
lateral brace中文是什么意思

  • 横向支撑



  • 例句与用法
  • Bottom lateral bracing
  • Except form ties bolt , lateral bracing should set up for supporting that has three lines which is up , medium and down
  • As the important part of steel - structure workshop , the study of the lateral brace for columns is significant
  • This paper is concerned with the analysis of lateral braces for workshop columns press - bend member . in this paper , lateral braces is lateral horizon center braces
  • This paper investigates and presents the design methods for lateral braces between equal spaced columns reducing the effective lengths of the columns to half
    本文探讨了一排等间距布置的承受相同轴力的等截面柱,使柱计算长度减少至0 . 5l时所需横向水平撑杆的设计问题。
  • This paper study the lateral braces by the analysis of classic theory and ansys limited member , and presents the design method of non - full braces
  • Full braces is which stiffness and strength could let the lateral buckling critical force to max . when the stiffness and strength of lateral braces is larger than this of full braces , the lateral buckling critical force could not be improve
  • The software ansys6 . 0 is used to analysis the stability of the state after construction of tongwamen bridge , linear method is used in analyzing the finite element model of the bridge , the coeffient of stability of different state after construction is given . on the basis , the effect of different factors such as the arrangement of lateral brace , the sloping angle of arch ribs , the stiffness of bridge deck system , the effect of non - orientedly conservative loadings of the hanger and tie bar etc is discussed . the different coefficients of stability of changing these factors are given , so the factors that are vital to the lateral stability of x - type arches are found , and the rationality of the methods taken to enhance the lateral stability of tongwamen bridge is evaluated
    本文应用有限元分析商业软件ansys6 . 0 ,采用线弹性方法,通过对该桥的空间有限元模型进行稳定性分析,得出其成桥运营阶段各种工况下的稳定安全系数。在此基础上,本文还通过有限元模型分析,就拱的矢跨比、吊杆(立柱)的非保向力效应、桥面系的刚度、横撑布置形式、拱肋侧倾角等因素对该桥整体稳定性的影响展开探讨与研究。文中给出了各因素变化情况下的稳定安全系数,指出了对钢管混凝土提篮拱横向稳定性有显著影响的因素及其合理变化范围,并对铜瓦门大桥提高横向稳定性的措施的经济合理性进行了分析。
  • Compared with full braces , the stiffness and strength of non - full braces could not let the lateral buckling critical force to max , which could achieve the requirement of design . when the stiffness and strength of lateral braces is larger than this of non - full braces , the lateral buckling critical force could be improve a little
  • At last , on the basis of the linear finite element model , the effect of different factors such as the stiffness of the arch rib , the arrangement form and the arrangement position of the lateral brace , the sloping angle of arch ribs , ratio of the width to the span , the form of the hangers , the stiffness of bridge decks , cables etc is discussed
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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